

[g] 放射線被曝による大症状を一つ以上経験した生存者のほとんどは、小症状も一つ以上経験しているであろうと思われるが、記録からはこのことは導き出せないようだ。この表面上のアーティファクト(人為的な結果またはミス)はいくつかの理由によるものと考えられる。(1)大症状に気を取られ、小症状に気がつかない(2) インタビュアーが、大症状がある場合に小症状を記録しなかった(3)いくつかの小症状は、大症状より反応閾値が高い などである。「黒い雨」生存者群から 236名を大症状と小症状の記載があるものとしてリストアップした[訳注"from the control population of 16045 cases"「16045例の対照母集団から」の記載があるが、明らかに文脈からおかしい]。



先日、NHKスペシャル「黒い雨 〜活(い)かされなかった被爆者調査〜」で、これまで明らかにされてこなかった被爆者調査があることが報道され、かなりの話題になりました。
ついったで募集したところ、@azu_umiさん @forthmanさん @study2007さんお三方の協力を得ることができました。


ヒロアキ・ヤマダ(a)  T. D. ジョーンズ


広島と長崎のABCCは、1947年に設立された 患者観察及び診察プログラム を通して、潜在的及び遅発性の放射線誘発性作用のほとんどを研究してきた。ABCCは、放射線の遅発性作用の詳細な研究にその使命を限定し、研究努力をこの領域に集中させたため、これら遅発性の放射線誘発性作用(b)に関する研究は徹底しており(1-3)、詳細に報告されている。この限定に関する理由はそれなりに明白であるため、ここでは論じない。 

[a] ABCC(日本・広島)より出向中のコンサルタント
[b] 放射線誘発性作用(Radiation-inducible effectsとは、通常より高い発生率を示している作用を指す。
[c] 本報告書における被曝線量は初期放射線の量のみを示す。”黒い”雨による被曝量の数値的評価は試みられていない。

a) 爆心地近くの誘導放射能地域に留まること、および/または
アラカワ(6)によって算出された、爆心地近くの誘導放射能による被曝量の可能最大値(予測最大値ではない)はそれ自体極めて低いものであったが、それでも誘導放射能から”予測される”被曝量としては、おそらく非現実的に高すぎるものだろう と考えられていた。周辺地域にいた人々が、即座に爆心地に向かって移動を始め、原爆に起因する火災が発生してる間そこに留まったとは考えにくい。そんな中「黒い雨」の問題は巨視的視点においてのみ考慮されてきており、通常では副次的な影響しか持たないものと――あるいは早まって――見なされてきた。

「黒い雨」は 爆心地から 離れた地域のいくつかに不規則的な形のパターンで、主に初期被曝量が極めて低い人々の上に降ったため、これらの人々のほとんどにおいては、放射性降雨が一次的な被曝経路となった。

[d] 核分裂生成物の崩壊においては、放射性崩壊の各段においてβ粒子が放出される。核分裂生成物崩壊のおよそ半分においては光子が作られるが、この割合は時間とともに変化する。光子はより強い貫通力を持ち、体内臓器への放射線による”傷害”にはより大きく貢献する。ベータ線熱傷は粗い生物学的線量評価法として用いられる。


ORNLは11,915件の広島生存者及び2,046件の長崎生存者の遮蔽記録(Shielding history)のマイクロフィルムコピーを保持している。初期被曝時(ATE)に爆心地から1,600m以上離れた場所にいて、程度に関わらず放射性降雨を経験した生存者(広島では222件)がこの遮蔽記録群から選別された。可能な限り多数の”黒い”雨生存者[の記録]が望まれた結果、ABCCのコンピューターにあるリストからさらに65件が発見された。長崎に関しては、ABCCのコンピューターリストから82件のみが発見された。マイクロフィルムの記録における生存者は全て雨から厳重な遮蔽構造によって守られてていたため、そちらからは一件も選出されなかった。


[e] それぞれの生存者に関する個別のテープに記録された位置データ
[f]  座標の読み取りには、米国陸軍Army Map Service(ワシントンD.C.)のHiroshima-AMS L902 138449 9-46 1946を使用した。xxxx.xxという座標表記は通常、xx.xxと最初の2桁を省略して表記されるが、本報告書では3桁を省略して、x.xの形式でコード化されている。例えば、「1302.54」は「2.5」としてコード化されている。
[g] 本レポートの複数個所に「情報なし(No information)」の記載がある。これは、条件は適合したが記載が不十分だったことを意味する。

広島の放射性降雨の被曝者として選択された生存者の総数が少なかったため(287例)、衣服の種類と量、放射性降雨の強度と微粒子残留量に基づいて、被曝状 況の偏差を統計的に解析することはできなかったが、これらの分類に基づいてまとめた結果を表1、表4、表5に示す。ORNLは広島の生存者75,100 名、長崎の生存者29,400名に関するABCC記録の磁気テープのコピーを所有している。対照群は、これらの磁気テープ記録から、同様の周辺地域にお り、放射性降雨には遭遇しなかったが、同程度の初期被曝を受けた人々が選択された。対照地域は、広島南東部において以下の基準で選択された。













地元住民が訴える健康被害の実態 スリーマイルからフクシマへの伝言

Emission of spherical cesium-bearing particles from an early stage of the Fukushima nuclear accident
Airborne environmental pollutant concentration and hospital epistaxis presentation

ちなみに一部放射線医が、放射性ヨード治療で甲状腺癌がでないから被曝は安全、のようなことを述べているようですが、日本甲状腺学会の「バセドウ病131I 内用療法の手引き」では

若年者に131I 内用療法を行う場合は,甲状腺癌の発生の危険性を小さくするため,大量の放射性ヨードを用いるべき










たとえば「10mSvが1000万人」の場合と、「100mSvが100万人」では、被害総数は同じということになります。「濃く狭く」と、「薄く広く」では、同じ被害を生むのです。*1 *2
の国内制度等への取入れに係る審議状況について http://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/shingi/housha/sonota/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2010/02/16/1290219_001.pdf)

しかしながら、事故以来多くの機関やメディア、一部科学者は、「100mSv以下は大丈夫」のような発信をくりかえしてきました。*3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8

放射線防護の対策を正しく理解するために http://www.scj.go.jp/ja/info/kohyo/pdf/kohyo-21-d11.pdf













衆議院厚生労働委員会 「放射線の健康への影響について」
児玉龍彦教授発言 7月27日


訳:zfish, sivad


At the Committee of Health, Labor and Welfare, the House of Representatives.

An unsworn witness: Dr. Tatsuhiko Kodama
Professor at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology and Director, Radioisotope Center, The University of Tokyo

I am Kodama, the Director of Radioisotope Center, The University of Tokyo. I was very much surprised on March 15th. The University of Tokyo has 27 isotope facilities and our center is responsible for protection from radiation and decontamination of radioactive materials. I myself am a doctor of internal medicine and has been working on decontamination of radioactive materials at radiation facilities in the hospitals of University of Tokyo for past several decades. First, we detected 5 micro Sv (per hour) and reported it to Monbu-Kagaku-Sho (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology of Japan).

After that, in Tokyo, radiation became over 0.5 micro Sv (per hour). This went down once temporarily and, on March 21st, when we had rain in Tokyo and radiation increased to 0.2 micro Sv (per hour) and, since then, the level has been continuously high. At that time, the Chief Cabinet Secretary Mr. Edano, told the Japanese people that there would be no immediate harm to the health. However I thought this would be a very serious problem because the current Radiation Hazard Prevention Act is established to handle and control a small amount of highly radioactive materials. For this, the total amount would not be the issue (since it is small) but the concentration of each radioactive material would be taken into account.

However in the case of Fukushima, 5 micro Sv (per hour) in the area less than 100 km, and 0.5 micro Sv (per hour) in the area less than 200 km from the nuclear power plant were detected. Furthermore, tea leafs in Ashigara and Shizuoka (more than 300 km away from the plant) were contaminated as you all may know. When we think about Radiation Hazard Prevention in such a case, we need to take the total amount of radioactive materials into account. Then how much radioactive materials have been released from the plant? The government and TEPCO have not reported the total amount of the released radioactivity yet.

Then we estimated it. Based on quantity of heat, it is equivalent to 29.6 pieces of Hiroshima-type atomic bombs, and, based on the amount of uranium, it is equivalent to 20 pieces. What is more frightening is that, based on our current knowledge, the residual amount of radioactivity will decrease to 1/1000 one year later in the case of the atomic bomb, but in the case of the nuclear power plant accident, the residual activity will decrease to only one-tenth one year later.

Namely, the accident in Fukushima, as well as that in Chernobyl, released radioactivity equivalent to dozens of atomic bombs and generated much more contaminants that stay long than that created by the atomic bomb. It is important to argue based on this estimate.

When we think about Radiation Hazard, we analyzed it from the view of Systems Biology. This approach works well when the total amount is small since we only need to consider the amount of radioactivity to which the person was exposed. However when the total amount is huge, we need to consider behaviors of particles. Diffusion of particles is Nonlinear Science. It is most difficult calculation in the field of fluid mechanics. The nuclear fuel is something like “sands embedded in plastics”. When it is melted down, a large amount of fine particles are released in the air. The release of fine particles could cause a problem we recently encountered, namely the contamination of hay. For instance, 57000 Bq in Fujiwara, Iwate, 17000 Bq in Osaki, Miyagi, 106000 Bq in Minami-Soma, Fukushima, 97000 Bq in Shirakawa, Fukushima, and 64000 Bq in Iwate (Iwaki?) were detected per kg hay. Thus, the radioactivity can not be plotted on concentric circles. How much and where those particles fell down were affected by the weather or by absorption of the particles by the materials.

I am going to Minami-Soma in Fukushima every week. Our center has worked on decontamination there seven times. When we first arrived, there was only one NaI radiation counter. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sent a notification describing instruction for the food for cows on March 19th. But that was the time when the Mayer of Minami-Soma made the now well-known appeal on the web asking for gasoline, food and water since the stocks of these items were almost gone. In such a situation, who could see and know the notification? Further, even if they could see it, the risk of contamination of hay was not mentioned on it. After they knew the notification, they bought expensive feed from foreign countries and fed the cows with it and given the spring water to cows, that is drinking water for themselves.

In this circumstance, what we need to do is to make it sure that complete measurements can be performed in the contaminated area. When we visited Minami-Soma in the end of May, only one Geiger counter was available there. Although, in the city hall, 20 personal Geiger counters were given from the US military, no one in the Education Committee of the City Hall could read the English instructions and use them. After we arrived there, we told them how to use them and then measurements with 20 Geiger counters became possible. This is what actually happened at that time.

As for the measurement of radioactivity in food, measuring instruments that use semiconductors are developed these days. They are not like germanium counters but can perform imaging. I do not understand why the government does not support to apply it for the measurements and to set up those in the entire country. Although three months have passed since the accident already, why even such simple things have not been done yet. This is outrageous and I am extremely upset about this situation.

Second, I have been a head of the antibody drug project of the Cabinet, and now am running a 3 billion Japanese yen project to perform advanced research. In the research, we label antibody drug with radioisotope and use it for cancer therapy. Namely, since my job is to inject radioisotopes to the human body, I am studying very hard on the issue of internal exposure to radiation.

Therefore I like to mention how internal exposure will affect. The major problem caused by internal exposure is generation of cancer. Internal exposure cuts DNA. When DNA exists as a double helix in a cell, DNA is rather stable. However, when cell division occurs, double helix is temporarily unfastened and DNA is duplicated, giving rise to four single-stranded DNAs. This structure is very sensitive to radiation. Because of this, radiation has a high risk to embryos in pregnant women, juveniles, and highly-proliferative cells of people of growing ages. Even for adults, highly-proliferative cells, such as hairs, bloods, and intestinal epithelium cells, are sensitive to radiation. These are ABC of Radiation Hazard.

I will mention what we know is caused by internal exposure. Not a single mutation can cause cancer. After a first hit was created by radiation, when a second event happened, a cancer would be generated. We call these changes driver mutations or passenger mutations. Anyway I like you to see the references below including cases for Chernobyl and cesium. The highest risk is alpha radiation.

I was surprised to hear that one professor of University of Tokyo said it is OK to drink plutonium. Alpha radiation is most dangerous. It is well known as thorotrast injury to us hepatologists. Although levels of internal exposure are calculated as units of Sv, I do not think it makes any sense at all. Iodine 131 is concentrated in the thyroid gland. Thorotrast is concentrated in the liver. Cesium is concentrated in the urothelium and bladder. Without examining each accumulation point, it will be useless to perform whole body scanning.

Thorotrast is a contrast medium. Since 1890, it had been used in Germany and, since 1930, it had been used in Japan. 20 to 30 years later, it turned out to cause liver cancer in 25 to 30 % of the patients. It took 20 years to accumulate mutations necessary to cause the first cancer. Thorotrast generates alpha radiation and damages cells around it. The first gene to be hit is p53.

We knew DNA sequence of the human genome. The differences between two persons are about three million bases. Therefore it is meaningless if we treat different individuals in a same way. So-called personalized medicine is important. When we examine the effects of internal exposure, it is important to check which genes are damaged and what changes are generated in person to person.

In the case of thorotrast, it is proved that the p53 gene is disrupted in the first step, and the second and the third mutations are created during next 20 to 30 years, and finally the liver cancer and leukemia will occur.

Next is iodine 131. As you know, iodine is concentrated in the thyroid gland. Its accumulation is most evident in growing ages, especially in infants. The Ukrainian researchers reported that the thyroid cancer occurred frequently after the Chernobyl accident in 1991. But, Japanese and the American researchers argued on a journal Nature that they could not find any causality in their report. Because there are no data before 1986, it is claimed that there is no statistical significance. However, 20 years later it turned out to be statistically significant. Because 20 years later the peak observed in 1986 disappeared, the causality became evident without the past data. Thus, the epidemiological proof is very difficult and generally cannot prove it until all cases are over.

Therefore, a strategy to protect children now has to be totally different.

Dr. Shoji Fukushima in the National Bioassay Research Center is now working to find a chemical substance which is concentrated in the urinary tract system of people around Chernobyl. Dr. Fukushima collected more than 500 cases in cooperation with Ukrainian doctors. In the course of the operation for prostatic hypertrophy, they can get the sample of the bladder. After inspecting the bladder samples from the highly contaminated site, although radioactivity in the urine was not so high, 6Bq per liter, mutations in the p53 gene were frequently found. Besides, proliferative cystitis, a state of proliferative precancerosis, in which p38MAP kinase and NF kappa B were activated, were always associated. Thus, it is reported that cancer in the epithelium has been seen at a considerable high rate.

I also was surprised very much by a report that 2-13 Bq were detected in milk from seven mothers in Fukushima. Our Radioisotope Center are sending four staff members to Minami-Soma every week and working to help decontamination of Minami-Soma.

The problem that is happening in Minami-Soma is as follows. The distance from the nuclear power plant, for instance making a concentric circle whose radius is 20 km or 30 km, does not make any sense. It is necessary to measure the radioactivity in every kindergarten. Right now 1,700 children are going to schools in the 30 km zone from the 20 km zone by bus. However, in Minami-Soma, the radioactivity is high in the sea-side, and 70% of schools show relatively low radioactivity. In spite of this, children are moved forcibly by bus to schools that are located in the 30km zone near the Iidate village. It costs one million Japanese yen per day. Please stop such a thing as soon as possible. What makes this situation is a problem of compensation. The money only goes to forced refuge. In a Committee of the House of Councilors, Ex-President of TEPCO, Mr. Shimizu, and the Minister of Economy Trade and Industry, Mr. Kaieda, gave such a speech. Please do not mix these. Please separate the problem of compensation from the issue of the children’s health immediately. I request you to make every possible effort to save and protect the children.

I ask you another request which I leaned from my experience in Fukushima. I want you to separate urgent decontamination from lasting decontamination clearly. We have extensively done urgent decontamination by ourselves. For example, a bottom of the slide, as you can see on a chart, is the place where a small child always touches. When rainwater drips down from the slide, it is concentrated here every time. When there is a tilt between the right and left sides, the raindrop will be concentrated and radiation will be 10 micro Sv (per hour) on only one side in the place where the environmental radioactivity is around 1 micro Sv (per hour). You must urgently decontaminate such a place immediately and vigorously.

Also, a place under a rain gutter where moss is growing is also a place where a kid often touches. When I wash such a place with a high pressure washing machine and remove the moss, the radioactivity decreases, 2 micro Sv to 0.5 micro Sv (per hour).

However, it is very difficult to make the radioactivity less than 0.5 micro Sv (per hour) in every place. This is because all of the buildings, the trees, and areas have been contaminated. It is very difficult to lower the radioactivity in the whole just by washing small parts.

Therefore, when we seriously consider decontamination, how many problems on earth do we need to solve and how much cost on earth do we need to pay? In the case of the itai-itai disease, the total area polluted with cadmium was about 3,000 hectares. By now, the government has spent 800 billion yen to decontaminate the area of 1,500 hectares. How much cost will be needed if the area is 1,000 times larger?

Therefore I want to urgently present the four (three?) proposals.

First, as a national policy, you should measure the radioactivities of food, the soil, and water. You should use the latest imaging machines which are available in Japan. Imaging with the semiconductor is simple. Improve the situation radically by making an assembly-line system using the latest imaging equipment. This is totally possible with the present Japanese technology.

Second, please urgently establish a new law to decrease the radiation exposure of children. All of what I am doing now are illegal. The current Radiation Hazard Prevention Act restricted the amount of radiation and nuclear species that can be handled in the radioisotope facilities. I currently employ all of 27 radioisotope centers of University of Tokyo and support decontamination at Minami-Soma, but most facilities are not allowed to use cesium. It is also illegal to carry radioactive materials by car. However, since I can not leave them to mothers and teachers, our team puts all contaminated materials in drum cans and takes them to Tokyo with us. Carrying them into University of Tokyo is illegal, everything is illegal. It is the Diet’s responsibility that caused such a situation. The isotope centers of National Universities in Japan have many newest machines including germanium detectors. If they are tied hand and foot by the law, how can they work to protect children with all their might. How can we protect children by using all of our power? This is due to a complete negligence by the Diet.

Third, as a national policy, develop technology to decontaminate the soil by gathering powers from all of the companies. Various chemical companies and radiation decontamination companies, for example, Toray, Kurita, Chiyoda technol, atox and Takenaka, have various know-how for decontamination of radioactive materials. The government should establish a decontamination research center by gathering those companies. Since this will cost tens of trillions of yen from public money, I really worry that it may become an inappropriate public work involving the right and money. There is no such margin if we consider the financial state of this country. How can we perform decontamination? When 70,000 people do evacuate, what is the Diet actually doing?

That is all I want to say.

(A comment from translators)
In the last part, Dr. Kodama told that he would request four things but only mentioned three. We guess the he just skipped one thing that is presumably related to precise (personalized and organ-specific) examinatio


At the Committee of Health, Labor and Welfare, the House of Representatives.

An unsworn witness: Dr. Tatsuhiko Kodama
参考人 児玉龍彦

Professor at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology and Director, Radioisotope Center, The University of Tokyo

I am Kodama, the Director of Radioisotope Center, The University of Tokyo. I was very much surprised on March 15th. The University of Tokyo has 27 isotope facilities and our center is responsible for protection from radiation and decontamination of radioactive materials.

I myself am a doctor of internal medicine and has been working on decontamination of radioactive materials at radiation facilities in the hospitals of University of Tokyo for past several decades. First, we detected 5 micro Sv (per hour) and reported it to Monbu-Kagaku-Sho (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology of Japan).

After that, in Tokyo, radiation became over 0.5 micro Sv (per hour). This went down once temporarily and, on March 21st, when we had rain in Tokyo and radiation increased to 0.2 micro Sv (per hour) and, since then, the level has been continuously high.

At that time, the Chief Cabinet Secretary Mr. Edano, told the Japanese people that there would be no immediate harm to the health. However I thought this would be a very serious problem

because the current Radiation Hazard Prevention Act is established to handle and control a small amount of highly radioactive materials. For this, the total amount would not be the issue (since it is small) but the concentration of each radioactive material would be taken into account.

However in the case of Fukushima, 5 micro Sv (per hour) in the area less than 100 km, and 0.5 micro Sv (per hour) in the area less than 200 km from the nuclear power plant were detected. Furthermore, tea leafs in Ashigara and Shizuoka (more than 300 km away from the plant) were contaminated as you all may know.

When we think about Radiation Hazard Prevention in such a case, we need to take the total amount of radioactive materials into account. Then how much radioactive materials have been released from the plant? The government and TEPCO have not reported the total amount of the released radioactivity yet.

Then we estimated it. Based on quantity of heat, it is equivalent to 29.6 pieces of Hiroshima-type atomic bombs, and, based on the amount of uranium, it is equivalent to 20 pieces.

What is more frightening is that, based on our current knowledge, the residual amount of radioactivity will decrease to 1/1000 one year later in the case of the atomic bomb, but in the case of the nuclear power plant accident, the residual activity will decrease to only one-tenth one year later.

Namely, the accident in Fukushima, as well as that in Chernobyl, released radioactivity equivalent to dozens of atomic bombs and generated much more contaminants that stay long than that created by the atomic bomb. It is important to argue based on this estimate.

When we think about Radiation Hazard, we analyzed it from the view of Systems Biology. This approach works well when the total amount is small since we only need to consider the amount of radioactivity to which the person was exposed. However when the total amount is huge, we need to consider behaviors of particles.

Diffusion of particles is Nonlinear Science. It is most difficult calculation in the field of fluid mechanics. The nuclear fuel is something like “sands embedded in plastics”. When it is melted down, a large amount of fine particles are released in the air.

The release of fine particles could cause a problem we recently encountered, namely the contamination of hay.

For instance, 57000 Bq in Fujiwara, Iwate, 17000 Bq in Osaki, Miyagi, 106000 Bq in Minami-Soma, Fukushima, 97000 Bq in Shirakawa, Fukushima, and 64000 Bq in Iwate (Iwaki?) were detected per kg hay.

Thus, the radioactivity can not be plotted on concentric circles. How much and where those particles fell down were affected by the weather or by absorption of the particles by the materials.

I am going to Minami-Soma in Fukushima every week. Our center has worked on decontamination there seven times. When we first arrived, there was only one NaI radiation counter.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sent a notification describing instruction for the food for cows on March 19th. But that was the time when the Mayer of Minami-Soma made the now well-known appeal on the web asking for gasoline, food and water since the stocks of these items were almost gone.

In such a situation, who could see and know the notification? Further, even if they could see it, the risk of contamination of hay was not mentioned on it.

After they knew the notification, they bought expensive feed from foreign countries and fed the cows with it and given the spring water to cows, that is drinking water for themselves.

In this circumstance, what we need to do is to make it sure that complete measurements can be performed in the contaminated area. When we visited Minami-Soma in the end of May, only one Geiger counter was available there.

Although, in the city hall, 20 personal Geiger counters were given from the US military, no one in the Education Committee of the City Hall could read the English instructions and use them. After we arrived there, we told them how to use them and then measurements with 20 Geiger counters became possible. This is what actually happened at that time.

As for the measurement of radioactivity in food, measuring instruments that use semiconductors are developed these days. They are not like germanium counters and can perform imaging.

I do not understand why the government does not support to apply it for the measurements and to set up those in the entire country. Although three months have passed since the accident already, why even such simple things have not been done yet. This is outrageous and I am extremely upset about this situation.

Second, I have been a head of the antibody drug project of the Cabinet, and now am running a 3 billion Japanese yen project to perform advanced research. In the research, we label antibody drug with radioisotope and use it for cancer therapy.

Namely, since my job is to inject radioisotopes to the human body, I am studying very hard on the issue of internal exposure to radiation.

Therefore I like to mention how internal exposure will affect. The major problem caused by internal exposure is generation of cancer. Internal exposure cuts DNA. When DNA exists as a double helix in a cell, DNA is rather stable.

However, when cell division occurs, double helix is temporarily unfastened and DNA is duplicated, giving rise to four single-stranded DNAs. This structure is very sensitive to radiation. Because of this, radiation has a high risk to embryos in pregnant women, juveniles, and highly-proliferative cells of people of growing ages.

Even for adults, highly-proliferative cells, such as hairs, bloods, and intestinal epithelium cells, are sensitive to radiation. These are ABC of Radiation Hazard.

I will mention what we know is caused by internal exposure. Not a single mutation can cause cancer. After a first hit was created by radiation, when a second event happened, a cancer would be generated.

We call these changes driver mutations or passenger mutations. Anyway I like you to see the references below including cases for Chernobyl and cesium. The highest risk is alpha radiation.

I was surprised to hear that one professor of University of Tokyo said it is OK to drink plutonium. Alpha radiation is most dangerous. It is well known as thorotrast injury to us hepatologists.

Although levels of internal exposure are calculated as units of Sv, I do not think it makes any sense at all. Iodine 131 is concentrated in the thyroid gland. Thorotrast is concentrated in the liver. Cesium is concentrated in the urothelium and bladder. Without examining each accumulation point, it will be useless to perform whole body scanning.

Thorotrast is a contrast medium. Since 1890, it had been used in Germany and, since 1930, it had been used in Japan. 20 to 30 years later, it turned out to cause liver cancer in 25 to 30 % of the patients.

It took 20 years to accumulate mutations necessary to cause the first cancer. Thorotrast generates alpha radiation and damages cells around it. The first gene to be hit is p53.

We knew DNA sequence of the human genome. The differences between two persons are about three million bases. Therefore it is meaningless if we treat different individuals in a same way.

So-called personalized medicine is important. When we examine the effects of internal exposure, it is important to check which genes are damaged and what changes are generated in person to person.

In the case of thorotrast, it is proved that the p53 gene is disrupted in the first step, and the second and the third mutations are created during next 20 to 30 years, and finally the liver cancer and leukemia will occur.

Next is iodine 131. As you know, iodine is concentrated in the thyroid gland. Its accumulation is most evident in growing ages, especially in infants.

The Ukrainian researchers reported that the thyroid cancer occurred frequently after the Chernobyl accident in 1991. But, Japanese and the American researchers argued on a journal Nature that they could not find any causality in their report. Because there are no data before 1986, it is claimed that there is no statistical significance.

However, 20 years later it turned out to be statistically significant. Because 20 years later the peak observed in 1986 disappeared, the causality became evident without the past data. Thus, the epidemiological proof is very difficult and generally cannot prove it until all cases are over.

Therefore, a strategy to protect children now has to be totally different.

Dr. Shoji Fukushima in the National Bioassay Research Center is now working to find a chemical substance which is concentrated in the urinary tract system of people around Chernobyl. Dr. Fukushima collected more than 500 cases in cooperation with Ukrainian doctors.

In the course of the operation for prostatic hypertrophy, they can get the sample of the bladder. After inspecting the bladder samples from the highly contaminated site, although radioactivity in the urine was not so high, 6Bq per liter, mutations in the p53 gene were frequently found.

Besides, proliferative cystitis, a state of proliferative precancerosis, in which p38MAP kinase and NF kappa B were activated, were always associated. Thus, it is reported that cancer in the epithelium has been seen at a considerable high rate.

I also was surprised very much by a report that 2-13 Bq were detected in milk from seven mothers in Fukushima. Our Radioisotope Center are sending four staff members to Minami-Soma every week and working to help decontamination of Minami-Soma.

The problem that is happening in Minami-Soma is as follows. The distance from the nuclear power plant, for instance making a concentric circle whose radius is 20 km or 30 km, does not make any sense. It is necessary to measure the radioactivity in every kindergarten.

Right now 1,700 children are going to schools in the 30 km zone from the 20 km zone by bus. However, in Minami-Soma, the radioactivity is high in the sea-side, and 70% of schools show relatively low radioactivity.

In spite of this, children are moved forcibly by bus to schools that are located in the 30km zone near the Iidate village. It costs one million Japanese yen per day. Please stop such a thing as soon as possible.

What makes this situation is a problem of compensation. The money only goes to forced refuge. In a Committee of the House of Councilors, Ex-President of TEPCO, Mr. Shimizu, and the Minister of Economy Trade and Industry, Mr. Kaieda, gave such a speech.

Please do not mix these. Please separate the problem of compensation from the issue of the children’s health immediately. I request you to make every possible effort to save and protect the children.

I ask you another request which I leaned from my experience in Fukushima. I want you to separate urgent decontamination from lasting decontamination clearly.

We have extensively done urgent decontamination by ourselves. For example, a bottom of the slide, as you can see on a chart, is the place where a small child always touches. When rainwater drips down from the slide, it is concentrated here every time.

When there is a tilt between the right and left sides, the raindrop will be concentrated and radiation will be 10 micro Sv (per hour) on only one side in the place where the environmental radioactivity is around 1 micro Sv (per hour). You must urgently decontaminate such a place immediately and vigorously.

Also, a place under a rain gutter where moss is growing is also a place where a kid often touches. When I wash such a place with a high pressure washing machine and remove the moss, the radioactivity decreases, 2 micro Sv to 0.5 micro Sv (per hour).

However, it is very difficult to make the radioactivity less than 0.5 micro Sv (per hour) in every place. This is because all of the buildings, the trees, and areas have been contaminated. It is very difficult to lower the radioactivity in the whole just by washing small parts.

Therefore, when we seriously consider decontamination, how many problems on earth do we need to solve and how much cost on earth do we need to pay?

In the case of the itai-itai disease, the total area polluted with cadmium was about 3,000 hectares. By now, the government has spent 800 billion yen to decontaminate the area of 1,500 hectares. How much cost will be needed if the area is 1,000 times larger?

Therefore I want to urgently present the four (three?) proposals.

First, as a national policy, you should measure the radioactivities of food, the soil, and water. You should use the latest imaging machines which are available in Japan. Imaging with the semiconductor is simple. Improve the situation radically by making an assembly-line system using the latest imaging equipment. This is totally possible with the present Japanese technology.

Second, please urgently establish a new law to decrease the radiation exposure of children. All of what I am doing now are illegal. The current Radiation Hazard Prevention Act restricted the amount of radiation and nuclear species that can be handled in the radioisotope facilities. I currently employ all of 27 radioisotope centers of University of Tokyo and support decontamination at Minami-Soma, but most facilities are not allowed to use cesium.

It is also illegal to carry radioactive materials by car. However, since I can not leave them to mothers and teachers, our team puts all contaminated materials in drum cans and takes them to Tokyo with us. Carrying them into University of Tokyo is illegal, everything is illegal. It is the Diet’s responsibility that caused such a situation.

The isotope centers of National Universities in Japan have many newest machines including germanium detectors. If they are tied hand and foot by the law, how can they work to protect children with all their might. How can we protect children by using all of our power? This is due to a complete negligence by the Diet.

Third, as a national policy, develop technology to decontaminate the soil by gathering powers from all of the companies. Various chemical companies and radiation decontamination companies, for example, Toray, Kurita, Chiyoda technol, atox and Takenaka, have various know-how for decontamination of radioactive materials. The government should establish a decontamination research center by gathering those companies. Since this will cost tens of trillions of yen from public money, I really worry that it may become an inappropriate public work involving the right and money. There is no such margin if we consider the financial state of this country. How can we perform decontamination? When 70,000 people do evacuate, what is the Diet actually doing?

That is all I want to say.



この登山者たちはどうなったのでしょうか? 文中からははっきりとはわかりません。




(「34学会(44万会員)会長声明 」について http://www.gakushuin.ac.jp/~881791/misc/34Gakkari.html#4
(一回「歩みを止め」て考え直そうよ、34学会(44万会員)会長声明 http://togetter.com/li/130053














