Science For All Americans 第6章 "人体"PHYSICAL HEALTH[6-31]-[6-36]

To stay in good operating condition, the human body requires a variety of foods and experiences. The amount of food energy (calories) a person requires varies with body size, age, sex, activity level, and metabolic rate. Beyond just energy, normal body operation requires substances to add to or replace the materials of which it is made: unsaturated fats, trace amounts of a dozen elements whose atoms play key roles, and some traces of substances that human cells cannot synthesize―including some amino acids and vitamins. The normal condition of most body systems requires that they perform their adaptive function: For example, muscles must effect movement, bones must bear loads, and the heart must pump blood efficiently. Regular exercise, therefore, is important for maintaining a healthy heart/ lung system, for maintaining muscle tone, and for keeping bones from becoming brittle.


Good health also depends on the avoidance of excessive exposure to substances that interfere with the body's operation. Chief among those that each individual can control are tobacco (implicated in lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease), addictive drugs (implicated in psychic disorientation and nervous-system disorders), and excessive amounts of alcohol (which has negative effects on the liver, brain, and heart). In addition, the environment may contain dangerous levels of substances (such as lead, some pesticides, and radioactive isotopes) that can be harmful to humans. Therefore, the good health of individuals also depends on people's collective effort to monitor the air, soil, and water and to take steps to keep them safe.


Other organisms also can interfere with the human body's normal operation. Some kinds of bacteria or fungi may infect the body to form colonies in preferred organs or tissues. Viruses invade healthy cells and cause them to synthesize more viruses, usually killing those cells in the process. Infectious disease also may be caused by animal parasites, which may take up residence in the intestines, bloodstream, or tissues.

The body's own first line of defense against infectious agents is to keep them from entering or settling in the body. Protective mechanisms include skin to block them, tears and saliva to carry them out, and stomach and vaginal secretions to kill them. Related means of protecting against invasive organisms include keeping the skin clean, eating properly, avoiding contaminated foods and liquids, and generally avoiding needless exposure to disease.


The body's next line of defense is the immune system. White blood cells act both to surround invaders and to produce specific antibodies that will attack them (or facilitate attack by other white cells). If the individual survives the invasion, some of these antibodies remain―along with the capability of quickly producing many more. For years afterward, or even a lifetime, the immune system will be ready for that type of organism and be able to limit or prevent the disease. A person can "catch a cold" many times because there are many varieties of germs that cause similar symptoms. Allergic reactions are caused by unusually strong immune responses to some environmental substances, such as those found in pollen, on animal hair, or in certain foods. Sometimes the human immune system can malfunction and attack even healthy cells. Some viral diseases, such as AIDS, destroy critical cells of the immune system, leaving the body helpless in dealing with multiple infectious agents and cancerous cells.


Infectious diseases are not the only threat to human health, however. Body parts or systems may develop impaired function for entirely internal reasons. Some faulty operations of body processes are known to be caused by deviant genes. They may have a direct, obvious effect, such as causing easy bleeding, or they may only increase the body's susceptibility to developing particular diseases, such as clogged arteries or mental depression. Such genes may be inherited, or they may result from mutation in one cell or a few cells during an individual's own development. Because one properly functioning gene of a pair may be sufficient to perform the gene's function, many genetic diseases do not appear unless a faulty form of the gene is inherited from both parents (who, for the same reason, may have had no symptoms of the disease themselves).


The fact that most people now live in physical and social settings that are very different from those to which human physiology was adapted long ago is a factor in determining the health of the population in general. One modern "abnormality" in industrialized countries is diet, which once included chiefly raw plant and animal materials but now includes excess amounts of refined sugar, saturated fat, and salt, as well as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs. Lack of exercise is another change from the much more active life-style of prehistory. There are also environmental pollutants and the psychological stress of living in a crowded, hectic, and rapidly changing social environment. On the other hand, new medical techniques, efficient health care delivery systems, improved sanitation, and a fuller public understanding of the nature of disease give today's humans a better chance of staying healthy than their forebears had.Top button


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